Influenza Facts

Anyone can get Influenza. A person’s individual risk of developing influenza is between 5 – 20% each year. It may result in missing a few days of work or school; or it may develop into more serious disease resulting in hospitalization or death.

Influenza is a killer, causing an average 36,000 deaths every year. There are more than 200,000 influenza related hospitalizations every year, 57% of which are among those less than 65 years of age. This does not include out-patient visits.

The majority of deaths from influenza are among people 65 years of age or older. Vaccination is the single greatest way to prevent influenza and its associated illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths.

Flu Shots reduce the risk of influenza by up to 90%.

Flu Shots are recommended annually to provide protection.

Flu vaccination not only protects the individual, but also helps protect family members and other close contacts by decreasing the risk of influenza transmission.

It is impossible to get the flu from the flu shot.

Most people have no adverse reaction to the flu shot. The most common reaction is a mildly sore arm. Some people have mild flu-like symptoms that last 1-3 days.

It takes 1-2 weeks to develop immunity after a flu shot. If you develop influenza during this time, it is because you were exposed to influenza prior to developing immunity.

Influenza vaccine is a covered benefit for Medicare recipients.

Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Get A Flu Shot!